
Monday, March 7, 2011

SEMUANYAA TENTANG 4, 5, & 6 MARCH 2011...:)

first of all, nak say alhamdullillah coz dah berjaya menamatkan 'ibadah camp'...perkara y terlintas kat sape2 y dgar 'ibadah camp' nih mest ckap "alamakkk...mesti kne pkai baju labuh2 n bsar2 (tutup aurat like org alim)..ngeheee...semua pon kelam kabut prepair lah baju besar2..coz tkut lecture CEL y handle we all...actually,xde lah sampai cm tuh.. and.....

bsyukur sgat2 coz yang handle 'ibadah camp nih our SOM lecture..semua sporting sgat2..BEST..tambah lg b'gabung ngan 'DBA,DIA'DCS & DMS' course...wlaupon pd mulanye semua mogok coz course under SOM xdpt g 'JANDA BAIK' tp kne wat kat 'KEM BUMI JATI' at shah alam...mula2 jew...bila da smpai n rasa suasananyeeeee semua besorak 'yeahhhhh,,,best lah sir/miss, rasa cm xnak balik la pulak...' hahaa..(actually ak pon gtu jgak) hohoh....

Hari pertama smpai, ad brffgg pasal domm msg2 then masuk domm salin pkaian n kumpul kat padang..jeng..jeng..jeng...smpai2 je kat pdg tekezutttt la semua tgik game2 bdka tadika kat pdg tuh...smus mke pelikkk enjoy sgat Game ptg paling syg coz xde amik pic pon..huhuh..:(

-Ni lah domm ktwg duduk tuuuu-

-Ni lah tmpat mandi-

hbes game balik domm then mandi2 n siap2 untk solat mgrib..Alamakzzzzz...!!!! bilik domm ak xde air kowt...'Domm Amanah n Jujur' xde air..dah lah msg2 bau cm 'bekkkkk'....ngeheee...:) ak lari g mandi kat Domm sebelah..haha..Dh siap semua lari g surau untuk jemaah solat Mgrib...:)

                                                                       -ni lah suraunye-

Selesai solat, mkan TIMEEEE plak....semua beratur nak g makan..nampak kebulur jew...haha..:)


ok,,,dah kenyang kan semua..jom kta dgar ceramah lak kat Dewan..ustaz nih best sgat...xjemu dgar dye bg ceramah...i like,, pelawo..pelawok...pelawok...:)

Pastu pe lg balik tidoooo la...pkol 4.30 pagi nak kne 'QIAMUALAILL'...ak n the geng pkul 2.30pg dah bngun sbb xnak berebut toilet..hohoh...sejukkkkk gler kot...pastu borak2 smntara nak tggu 'QIAMULAILL' time...dh lme xjmpe ape lg wat bsing lah....:) Time for 'QIAMULAILL'....
y xleh solat semua dah tbogkang kat luar surau..kuang3...:) ape kan pulak y dlm surau tu pon nmpak gaya ngntuk gak tahan je lah ek...hehehe..:)

pastu get ready untuk program seterusnye,,,,senaman pa then yeahhhh kena 'SEMBELIH AYAM '...pgalaman julung2 kalinya ak akan hadapi kat kem ni...mula2 dgar brffg dulu then baru gerak g padang coz ayam2 dah tggu ktawang..hahaha..firstly sir Fahmi yang start wat 'DEMO' dulu..mngeletar tggan..nampak sgat cm xbiase...keh3...then stiap group diberi 3 ekor & mwakili 6 org untuk sembelih ayam....aku antaranya y semagt nak sembelih (TP JD TUKANG PGG JE...) tkot gak mule2 alhamdulillah selesai sudah...pas nih xpayah beli y dah mati kat pasaraya coz dah bleh sembelih sendiri..yeahhh..:) y xterlibat sembelihan td kene cabut bulunye n potong untuk wat BBQ mlm t...GUD LUCK..:) ngehee....:)

lepas solat mgrib n isyak, semua meluru masuk dewan untuk program seterusnye...program nih paling best..'Cara-cara menguruskan jenazah'...alhamdulillah bnyak ilmu y kami semua dapat...ustaz pon dah siap wat demo, tibalah giliran student plak...didahulukan student laki then perempuan plak...selesai jew program tuh semua meluru g kantin untuk makan timeeee...yeahhh3, BBQ time...mmg sdap lah kan, tp semua dah ngntuk n xlarat nak hbeskan ayam2 tuh semua..

Tibalah hari y terakhir...bngun cm biase g solat subuh then senamna brffg n ceramah dr uatz Abd Razak..memg sempoi lah ustaz n bnyak pengajaran y dapat dr ceramah tuh..pastu semua diarahkan balik bilik untuk siap2 then kmas2 untuk berangkat pulang...memg sedih coz selama 3 hari 2 malam kat 'KEM BUMI JATI' tu terlalau bnyak pengalaman y kami dapt...lg2 lectre SOM yang handle..hehe..:) masuk dewan jew SIR REZA plak tiba2 mngamuk kat student laki coz dye dapat tahu ad student y merokok sepanjg program..semua student laki xnak ngaku..dah paksa baru nak ngaku (sbb nak balik cpat) ....last program pnympaian hadiah untuk pmenag then gerak balik KL...:)

Pe2 pon best sgat2 kem nih..xkan pernah dilupakan...:) jom layan gmbar...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Sinopsis Filem Kembar Siang:

KEMBAR SIANG menceritakan tentang kehidupan AWAL dan AWI sepasang kembar seiras. AWAL abang dan AWI adik. AWAL normal tetapi AWI sedikit terencat dan lurus bendul kerana pernah mengalami demam panas. Tetapi AWI mempunyai daya ingatan dan kemahiran mengira yang luarbiasa dan sering memberi tuisyen kepada MAZLI dan IZAN, anak sekolah yang sering menemaninya. AWAL dan AWI mewarisi rumah dan kedai runcit peninggalan arwah bapa mereka HAJI SABRAN. Pengurusan kedai runcit itu dilakukan oleh mereka berdua: AWAL jadi bos dan AWI jadi pekerja. Kedai runcit AWAL dan AWI mempunyai saingan dengan sebuah lagi kedai runcit di seberang jalan milik PAK DIN DUDA.

Tapi AWAL dan AWI telah dipesan oleh arwah bapa mereka bahawa dalam berniaga mesti sentiasa jujur dan mesra pelanggan. Ini berbeza dengan sikap dan perangai PAK DIN DUDA yang sentiasa mencari peluang untuk mengaut keuntungan. PAK DIN DUDA yang sudah tiga kali menduda mempunyai seorang pekerja, MAK YAM. Tetapi MAK YAM tidak dibayar gaji tetap, tetapi dibayar komisyen pada setiap jualan. MAK YAM mendapati komisyennya sangat sedikit. Kedai PAK DIN DUDA tidak dikunjungi ramai pelanggan kerana barang-barangnya yang sedikit dan harganya pula mahal. PAK DIN DUDA melihat AWI yang rajin dan mahu AWI bekerja di kedainya kerana dia sendiri lebih suka berehat dari bekerja. PAK DIN DUDA pujuk AWI dan berjanji akan carikan gadis cantik jadi isteri AWI. Tetapi rahsia PAK DIN DUDA terbongkar bila dia sendiri tak dapat membezakan yang mana AWI dan yang mana AWAL.

Kadang-kadang dia terlepas cakap pada AWAL yang disangkanya AWI. ANI, teman wanita AWAL tidak tahu boy-friendnya mempunyai adik kembar seiras. ANI tergamam bila melihat AWAL yang dikenali sebagai taukeh, bos atau pengurus kedai, tiba-tiba mengangkut tong gas, membawa barang dapur atas motorsikal roda tiga dan memarut kelapa. ANI syak AWAL cuba berselindung dan menipunya. Seorang penagih dadah yang masuk mencuri di rumah AWAL dan AWI juga tergamam dan menjerit bila mendapati AWI yang sedang tidur di dalam bilik berada di warung luar rumah waktu dia mahu melarikan diri. Di waktu yang lain budak yang sama menjerit ketakutan bila AWI yang masuk ke toilet di belakang kedai runcit tiba-tiba mendekatinya dari depan sewaktu dia mencuri makanan ringan di dalam kedai. Sekalipun AWAL dan AWI kembar seiras, tetapi mereka mempunyai beberapa kelainan dari segi minat dan citarasa. AWAL suka keluar malam bawa girlfriend, ANI makanmakan dan menonton wayang. AWI takutkan gelap dan bila malam terus tidur.

AWAL ada kereta tetapi AWI lebih selesa dengan motorsikal roda tiga yang diubahsuai dan mempunyai gear reverse. AWI pula jika memandu kereta dalam gear reverse sahaja. AWI diperkenalkan kepada ANI oleh abangnya dan dia terpikat melihat kejelitaan ANI. AWAL jadi serba salah. AWAL memujuk ANI supaya berkahwin dengan AWI. ANI merajuk dan lama mereka tidak berjumpa. Suatu hari AWAL melihat ‘ANI’ yang bertudung masuk ke kedainya membeli barang tetapi langsung tidak menegurnya. AWAL mengikuti ‘ANI’ yang menaiki skuter. AWI juga ikut. AWAL terkejut melihat bapa ‘ANI’ yang berbeza warna kulit. AWAL menemui bapa ‘ANI’, MOHAMAD RAFI dan dapat cerita sebenarnya. ‘ANI’ adalah ANA dan kembar ANI. Gadis dua beradik itu kematian ibubapa dan dipelihara oleh dua keluarga berbeza. Kedua-duanya tinggal dengan bapa tunggal bila ibu mereka meninggal dunia.

Bapa ANI, PAK WAN dan bapa ANA, MOHAMAD RAFI yang mengenali HAJI SABRAN bapa AWAL dan AWI. Katanya dia masuk jawi dengan HAJI SABRAN selepas memeluk Islam bersama isterinya. MOHAMAD RAFI juga kawan baik PAK WAN, dan pernah bekerja dengan majikan yang sama, bapa dan ibu sebenar ANI dan ANI. Mereka sudah lama tak berjumpa. AWAL beritahu bahawa ANI adalah tunangannya. AWAL mengatur pertemuan antara dua sahabat lama dan gadis kembar ANI dan ANA. Cerita berakhir dengan satu majlis persandingan tiga pasang pengantin: AWAL dan ANI, AWI dan ANA serta MOHAMAD RAFI dan MAK YAM. Antara tetamu yang terkulat-kulat melihat ketiga pasangan itu bersanding ialah PAK WAN dan PAK DIN DUDA. BUDAK PENCURI juga terkedu dan terjekil biji mata melihat dua pasangan kembar di atas pelamin.

Kembar Siang
Pengarah : Hatta Azad Khan
Syarikat Penerbit : Metrowealth Movies Production Sdn. Bhd.
Bahasa : Bahasa Melayu
kategori : Filem Cereka
Genre : Komedi
Klasifikasi : U - Untuk tontonan umum
Tarikh Tayangan : 24 Februari 2011 

Hatta Azad Khan

Kamal Adli
Awal / Awi (Pelakon Utama)
Intan Ladyana
Ana / Ani (Pelakon Utama)
Mat Over
Pak Wan (Pelakon Pembantu)
Sabri Yunus
Pak Din Duda (Pelakon Pembantu)
Mohamad Rafi (Pelakon Pembantu)
Mak Yam (Pelakon Pembantu)
Zul Handyblack
Meon (Pelakon Pembantu)
Hj Sabran (Pelakon Pembantu)
Rozita Che Wan
Jenab (Pelakon Pembantu)
Mazlan Pet Pet
Lan Sengau (Pelakon Pembantu)
Hamid Gurkha
Wak Sengau (Pelakon Pembantu)

Mohd Erman

(Pengarah Fotografi)
Hamzah Tahir

(Pengarah Seni)
Brian Ng (Kang)

David Teo

Exclusive Interview with Mrs. Hana Tajima (StyleCovered)...

If you are a hijab blog surfer, you must be familiar with Hana Tajima or also known She has been a hot topic among Muslim blogger. She has also been featured at many media such as BBC UK and Brazillian press. It’s a pleasure for us to post her interview and her exclusive pic only for HijabScarf.

Hana Tajima is a 23 years old British Japanese designer who converted to Muslim five years ago.

Skaisthenewblack.blogspot writes, "She has wicked style, a very elegant and chic and yet somehow, modest".

On Hana advices that, "Don't get caught up in what looks good on other people, just to fit in. You have to find something you're comfortable with, a look that expresses your personality."
"For both of us, she is one of a kind. She has been a great inspiration for us.
Believe it or not, HijabScarf was born after a long talk admiring her style."

Now, she is running her own line Maysaa. The clothes are truly inspiration and of course modest.

For HijabScarf, she is willing to share her thought the moment she start wearing hijab. We can learn not only her style but also her resoluteness and her faith on wearing hijab.

1. Tell us the moment you decide to wear hijab ?
I started wearing the hijab the day I took my shahada. I came to Islam in a really natural way and it was all a part of that. On a personal level it was a good way to distinguish what had gone before in my life, to what was in front of me.

2. What did you feel the first time you go out with your hijab on?
Without sounding too conflicted it was very real and very surreal at the same time. I was on my way to take my shahada, I was with my brother who is a photographer, so he was taking pictures of me. The way that it felt so normal, and that I was so at ease was why it felt strange. I don’t know what I was expecting, but it felt like this big thing in my mind. When I stepped out into the world it was as if the universe said “We’ve seen far stranger things” so it really wasn’t as dramatic as I thought it might have been.

3. You stated in your blog "Being a Muslimah in a western country can be a bit daunting especially when it comes to the stares! I wanted to create something that would help Muslimah’s everywhere keep motivated." How do you motivate yourself especially from the stares?
I think I’ve become less self conscious, and with that whether it means people stare less, or I just don’t notice it I guess it’s the same. At first with the way I was dressing I felt out of my skin, and that discomfort, however slight, is easily picked up on. Of course there are days when I get someone giving me critical stares, but I know why I dress the way I do, it’s a constant affirmation of what I believe. I suppose you have to accept that people will project their own misconceptions on to you, but don’t ever let that get in the way of what you want to do.

4. What changes do you notice within yourself or around you after wearing hijab?
The biggest change was in people around me, even close friends. I can understand that with all the connotations that come with hijab people were slightly uneasy with it. Almost everyone pretended it wasn’t there, but really badly pretended, like you could tell that was all they were thinking about. As I got more comfortable with it all, people were more relaxed. In general it takes about 5 minutes for someone to stop thinking ‘why would she wear that thing on her head’ and actually have a conversation with me. For me it’s never been much of an issue, it’s just a thing I wear.

5. How does StyleCovered affected your life?
It has had such a positive impact on me. Just to know that other people are going through the same mental processes as me, and that they get what I’m trying to do. It’s a very steep learning curve in terms of style and creativity. When you put yourself out there like that and you see it everyday you become very aware of what you like and don’t like. Maybe I’ve sketched something I thought at first was just ‘OK’, after seeing it for 5 days I think, actually I’ve kind of fallen in love with it.

6. Can you describe your style?
I never really know what to say when people ask me that. I suppose because it’s such a strange mix. One day I’ll be channeling old Hollywood glamor and the next I’ll be obsessed with 90’s rock/grunge. I tend to keep things understated and simple, maybe that’s my Japanese roots. I’m really drawn to juxtaposition as well, like throwing a vintage leather jacket over a girly floral maxi dress.

7. Tell us your most fav must item and item that you avoid to wear?
It changes almost weekly, but right now I’m living in the MAYSAA jersey maxi skirt and oversized vintage denim shirts. Although I’ve just got through some new samples which I’m totally besotted with. I avoid anything that’s uncomfortable to wear, apart from when it comes to shoes, I have a beautiful collection of insanely high-heels which I wear pretty much constantly!

8. Some says being stylish is about high expenses, meanwhile Islam teach
us to be modest. what do you think about this? 
I am definitely stay away from overt displays of wealth. Clothes should be timeless and not something that will be thrown away after one season. I think that’s why I have such a connection to vintage clothing and what I always try to put into my own designs. It has personality and you can interpret it to become a part of your own style. I love how this goes against the logo laden image of fast fashion and makes it less about buying style.

9. What do you think about hijabi in Indonesia compare to other Muslim countries?
I get so much inspiration from Indonesian girls who wear hijab. In fact South East Asia in general has such a depth of culture it’s so captivating. The way you guys do colour is unlike anywhere else, and it’s something I’m trying to put into my own style. It’s amazing the self expression and variety of style, it’s something very close to my heart.

10. What inspire you to create maysaa? what went through your mind?
I’ve been designing from about the age of 5, both my parents are artists so it was a very creative environment to grow up in. MAYSAA is a beautiful culmination of all my creative expression and personality. I can’t say the clothes are just for Muslim women, or for non-Muslim women because my life has been a mixture of being both. I love designing from a very personal perspective, I want it to mean something to me and by doing that hopefully it will mean something to someone else too.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


ni la dye HANA TAJIMA...cute sgt dye..i love her style babe..gaya shawl y dye gayekan pon jd tarikan semua peminat beliau..wahhhh..

kat bawah ni koleksi gmbar dye..let see it..!!!!

wowwww...she look sooo hot...:)

pic ni semua amik kat google..ske tgok gaye dye...dye nih best fwenz YUNA..

Same2 cantik...